+91 94460 03466
Munnar, Kerala, India

Responsible Tourism

Because change starts with us

It’s time to give back to the world that gives us everything. Responsible tourism is at the heart of everything we do and all that matters is what we can do in the best way possible.

Room Revenue

Goes to Mother and Child Foundation

Transforming Lives at Mother and Child Foundation

Mother and Child Foundation is a humble abode for disadvantaged mothers and children seeking a place of love and warmth. Established in 2000, the charitable institution strives towards building a nurturing environment where education, medical care, and quality living are accessible to all.

SpiceTree is actively involved in initiatives that will transform the livelihoods of people and communities. Every time you stay at SpiceTree, you are shaping the lives of many. We also provide a receipt as part of acknowledging your contribution to this initiative.


Planted To Date

We’re planting 100,000 trees by 2027

Planting Two Trees for Every Booking

At SpiceTree, we help people reconnect with nature to heal and discover their true self. Booking at SpiceTree involves active participation in our well-planned green initiatives to breathe life into vast stretches of land that once was green.

Every time you book at SpiceTree, you are planting two trees. We have adopted the Miyawaki method and its strategies to restore natural forests and grasslands. Till date, our guests have successfully planted 45,000 trees and counting. We are planning to plant a total of 1 lakh trees by 2027.

% Solar Energy

Used For Last Month’s Electricity Needs

We’re planning to get it to 60% by 2025

Meeting Our Energy Needs With Solar Energy

As part of reducing the carbon footprint dramatically, we have powered the resort by harnessing Solar energy. At SpiceTree, we believe that such deliberate efforts can motivate our guests and the local communities to gradually switch to renewable energy sources for their daily needs.

On average, 25% of the total energy requirements in the resort are met using solar energy. Our water heating system uses a combination of solar and gas, not the conventional storage calorifier. In view of climate change, we are planning strategies that will help achieve energy independence in the near future. We are planning to ramp up utilization by 60% within 3-4 years.

Self -Sufficient

Working towards achieving 100% in near future

Savor the Goodness of Locally Grown Food

From our garden to your plate- that’s the freshness you taste in every bite of your meal. At SpiceTree, we promote a culture of wholesome eating to throw light on the importance of using organic ingredients in your daily diet.

We are 50% self-sufficient- our kitchen uses fresh, organic ingredients grown in our land. Nestled in the lush green hills of Munnar, our farm gives 100% organic produce consisting of a wide range of fruits, vegetables, and spices, that are cultivated using natural seeds and fertilizers. Incase of shortage, we source the products from the local farmers who follow organic means of cultivation. Our goal is to become 100% self-sufficient in the near future.

Feel closer to nature, every step of your way.

Eco-friendly Construction and Design

As an ecologically sensitive area, we have taken all the initiatives to ensure that the sanctity of the land is fully respected.

  • A two-storey height is maintained to adhere to the Building Construction Code for this area.
  • Eco-friendly materials like natural stone, sand, wood, etc., are used for the walls and floors.
  • Wooden floors and ceiling provide for excellent insulation to minimize heating at night.
  • Antique furniture is used to eliminate the need for fresh wood.
  • The rooms are designed to embrace natural light during the daytime.

Green Amenities

SpiceTree is environmentally sustainable- from eliminating plastics to using renewable energy sources, we ensure that our way of tourism helps communities and nature to co-exist.

  • Solar energy is the alternative energy source for heating water in our pools and hot water taps.
  • RO treated water is prepared in-house and filled in sterilized and reusable glass bottles.
  • Bamboo toothbrushes and organic toothpastes are provided.
  • Herbal eco-friendly bathing amenities, both in packaging and content, are provided.
  • The insect repellents made for indoor-outdoor use are certified non-toxic herbal solutions.
  • 99% of our light source comes from LED lamps.

Sustainable Dining & Organic Farming

What we eat plays a significant role in how we perceive the world around us. With sustainable dining practices, we have made a conscious decision to make the world not just a better place to live in, but a better place to eat-in, too.

  • No artificial colors or MSG is used in any of our cuisines.
  • Healthy oils like Olive oil, Rice bran oil, Sunflower oil, or Clarified Coconut oil are used for cooking.
  • All the vegetables, fruits, and spices used in our kitchen come from our organic farm.
  • Our kitchen prepares healthy, nutritious dishes made using whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and low-fat dairy products.
  • GMO seeds and artificial fertilizers are a strict no-no in our farm.

Zero Waste Initiatives

We strictly follow a zero-waste approach and encourage our staff and guests to adopt practices that can help reduce environmental impact and conserve natural resources.

  • The food waste from our restaurant is converted into manure.
  • The sewage water is treated and used for irrigation.
  • Use of plastic bags is minimized by using recyclable packaging products.
  • Plastic stationery products have been replaced with paper-based products.

Afforestation Project

As part of our environmentally friendly sentiments, G-Way farms, our parent company, has acquired non-agricultural land in the periphery of the Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary. The Afforestation Project was carefully implemented by employing the Miyawaki method and its strategies which are extremely effective in developing forests on small landholdings. Forests developed using this practice tend to flourish in no time and require little to no maintenance.



The nature of soil, the amount of rainfall this region receives, and other environmental factors were studied.



The trees, plants, creepers, etc., that are likely to grow in this area (originally used to be a Tropical Dry Evergreen Residual Forest, TDERF) were identified.



The Botanical nursery of Auroville Pondicherry is an associate and a supporter of our green efforts. After reviewing our research data, all the suitable plants and seed links were sourced to create a nursery.

Using the Miyawaki method, we are accelerating the rate at which our plantation will grow by deploying the following steps-

  • Treating the soil.
  • Utilizing native plant diversity.
  • Growing healthy saplings.
  • Planting them close to one another.

This process has completed one year since it’s conception. Currently, we are all set for the rains to stimulate the plantation drive. We strongly believe that such initiatives inspire the new generation to take up and lead similar projects that can help revive forests.

Community Engagement

At SpiceTree, we strongly believe in helping sustain a healthy environment where both people and nature can thrive. By respecting the sentiments of the community that surrounds us,- the local people, their culture, and values- we serve them in ways that would help alleviate poverty. We entertain our guests to connect with the local people and share knowledge on skills or techniques that will help preserve their own environment and foster community development.

How do we achieve this?

We train our staff, customers, stakeholders and suppliers to-

  • Understand and respect local cultures and customs.
  • Get involved in the local activities.
  • Buy locally and support local businesses.

Zero tolerance policy

We have zero-tolerance for noise pollution, to help sustain the pristine nature of the environment. You will be surrounded only by the harmonious sound of nature- the chirping of the birds, the wind in the trees, and the rustling of leaves. We say an emphatic ‘NO’ to DJs and dance parties.

Why We Do Not Have Air Conditioning?

At SpiceTree Munnar, sustainability is at the heart of every decision, including the choice not to install air conditioning systems. This eco-friendly resort recognises the urgent need to address global warming and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and our commitment to sustainable practices extends to our approach to climate control. Additionally, during the summers, we do not encounter extreme heat.

Feel the seasons

Despite being located in a region known for its warm summers, SpiceTree Munnar has ingeniously designed its buildings to harness natural ventilation and insulation, ensuring that guests enjoy a comfortable room climate throughout the year. The architectural design incorporates features such as large windows for cross ventilation, the natural wooden floors and ceiling to regulate indoor temperatures and strategic positioning to maximise shade and airflow.

Ensure a sustainable future

By opting out of air conditioning, SpiceTree Munnar significantly reduces its environmental impact, contributing to the fight against climate change. This decision aligns with their broader sustainability initiatives, which encompass water conservation, waste reduction, and support for
local communities.

Guests at SpiceTree Munnar not only experience a tranquil and serene environment but also have the satisfaction of knowing that their stay contributes to a more sustainable and eco-friendly future. The resort’s dedication to providing a comfortable yet environmentally responsible
experience sets a commendable standard in the hospitality industry and serves as an inspiring example for others to follow.